Saturday, September 8, 2012

Mmmm cinnamon and apples

Kasey over at Powercakes inspires me and many others to eat healthy each week. I have learned a lot about eating clean and fueling up from her recipes and through others on Pinterest. I actually got my husband to share the dark chocolate powercake with me and he goes "is this one of those powercake thingies?" I have slowly, but surely, pulled him over to the healthy side. He even said that he could go "raw", but I'm not going that far. I think vegetarian is a far as I would take it. Any way, I am also looking for and trying out healthy desserts. Tonight, I was really craving apples and cinnamon, so I came up with: Warm apples and Yogurt. I clearly did not invent this, but it's so delicious I have to share it.

I heated up a small skillet on low-medium with 1 tsp coconut oil and cinnamon and threw in chopped up apples. I sprinkled cinnamon on top and pushed them around until they were warm and I couldn't take it anymore! I took about 1/3 cup plain Greek Yogurt and mixed it with the apples. So YUM even the cat wanted some! Go make it for an easy and healthy snack or dessert!


  1. Ohh that's gotta be good, I've had warmed up apples like that before except I did mine in the microwave but I'll do it on the stove next time I bet this will make it THAT much more delicious! Awesome powermeal. Have a great Sunday!

  2. My problem with the micro is that the apples were always mushy. Cooking them in the skillet keeps them crisp.
