Sunday, July 29, 2012

Good Morning Spoonable Smoothie

So this morning I had a hankering for a smoothie that I could eat with a spoon. I found this yummy looking recipe on Pinterest and tweaked it a little for my needs.  I included half a banana, half cup frozen mixed berries, half cup of almond milk, and a half cup of Greek yogurt.  The recipe also called for 1 heaping tbsp of PB, but I decided not to include that this morning. If it was  post work-out smoothie, you could include protein powder and more fruit if you want. I blended away and topped it with homemade granola and fresh strawberries. However, I was super excited to eat it, that I forgot to take a picture, so I am including a picture from the website I found it at: Sweet Verbena. What are some of your favorite spoonable smoothie recipes?

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sunday Power meal a week

I am new to following Powercakes, but I love everything I have tried so far. I like the idea of challenging ourselves to eat better, and have others out there doing the same thing. It's easy to get recipe ideas from others (especially when you get bored with your lunches). For post workout breakfast, I made Paleo Pumpkin Pancakes. They were tasty(cakes)! 

Here is the recipe:
  • 1/4 cup coconut flour (ground up coconut)
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, a pinch of nutmeg
  • 1/4 cup fresh pumpkin puree
  • 3 eggs (I used 1 whole egg and 2 flax eggs)
  • 1 tablespoon coconut milk
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil (I used 1/2 tbsp and 1 tbsp applesauce)
  • 1/4 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
1. Mix together coconut flour, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, and nutmeg with a whisk.
2. In another bowl, whisk together eggs, coconut oil, coconut milk, apple cider vinegar, maple syrup, and pumpkin puree.
3. Gradually add the coconut flour mixture to the egg mixture as you whisk the ingredients together until well combined.
4. Heat coconut oil or butter over medium-low heat until melted.
5. Spoon the batter into the pan in whatever size you prefer. The batter is thick, so you can shape them with the spoon. They do not bubble like regular pancakes, so keep an eye on them to make sure they’re done on one side, then flip. They should need several minutes for each side.
6. Check the edges to see if they’re done. No raw batter should show.
7. Serve with maple syrup, fruit, butter, or plain. (I did 1 tbsp sugar free maple syrup and 1/2 tbsp coconut oil heated in microwave together.Yum!)