As a society, us Americans LOVE to watch drama. We have sitcoms, soap operas, prime time, and...... TLC? Last time I checked TLC stood for :The Learning Channel. In college, I used to watch A Baby Story and What Not to Wear on a daily basis. Nowadays I hardly ever watch the station. And there's a reason. Toddlers & Tiaras. Since when is this a learning show? I mean, parents can learn what NOT to do, but this does not fit in with the station's tender loving shows they once relied on. My thinking is that they are trying to keep up with the rest of the stations (Jersey Shore, Real Housewives, etc) but this show really gets to me, especially as someone who works with children everyday. There is something wrong with a 5 year old girl with a face full of make-up, high heels, and looking like she belongs on a stripper pole rather than a stage. Why are these women allowed to procreate? They care more about THE PAGEANT than their own child. These moms take their sweet daughters and turn them into spoiled brats in one brush stroke of eye shadow. Who takes 2 packets of sugar and pours it down their daughter's throat? These moms were pageant girls who never made it.
I could go on and on about this show. But I went end with 2 words of advise: Let your daughter go out and roll around in the mud. Take off the make-up Mom and stop living vicariously through your daughter!
Shame on you TLC for giving in to society's demands. Find something to spotlight other than washed up Moms and their bratty daughters .